Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions on buying and selling? We have answers to your commonly asked questions. Over the years, our experience on appraising, buying, and selling makes answering your questions easy. If your question is still not answered here, please do contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Coin value is determined by a few factors, the main one being scarcity or rarity: How many were minted, how many are available and its condition. Condition meaning the amount of wear it has, scratches, nicks, abrasions as well as any surface residues i.e. glue, tape and nail polish to name a few.
Unfortunately, age is not a deciding factor in the value of a coin. It is scarcity and condition that determine a coins value. Collectability is geared toward coins that are difficult to find and in the best possible condition.
Yes. These are known as “wheat” cents and while most are common dates, we do currently pay double the face value for them. Uncommon or key dates, or those you aren’t too sure of can be brought in to be assessed by our coin experts.
First, we would suggest doing some research. Educate yourself, at least a little bit about what you have. You can do an internet search with a search engine like Google for example, that will allow you to find items similar to what you may have, based on image searches or exact text matches. For example a 1932 D quarter can bring up images as well as some detailed written information like how many were minted and what metal content they have. There are also coin reference books such as The Red Book or Blue Book that can provide similar information. Keep in mind that a seller’s asking price does not necessarily reflect the value of an item. A seller is always looking to make a profit and that will be reflected in their selling price. With that said, don’t be afraid to shop it around after your research. Get an idea of what more than one dealer like ourselves, are willing to pay you for your item(s). There are multiple factors that can go into a final value (buying) price. Give us a call and / or come on in, we’d be happy to help you.
Yes, we do. Please see further explanation below.
We offer free verbal appraisals on coins, currency, jewelry and watches that you are interested in selling to us. We evaluate items and then make you a competitive offer based on our assessment. We also offer written estate appraisals for individuals, trusts, insurance, etc. by our coin professionals for a fee. Please call us for details.We offer third-party written appraisal services on jewelry and watch items you buy from us, as well as for your personal items. Call us for details, appointments and pricing.
DEFINITELY NOT!! Please don’t clean or polish your coins before bringing them in for evaluation or ever, really. The skilled collector or dealer will be able to determine that the surface has been altered and depending what form of cleaning that was done, there may be abrasions left behind. All of this would devalue the coin(s).
The best way to store your coins is individually so that they don’t come in contact with each other. You want to avoid having them bang together leaving contact marks or scratches. There are archival coin flips, coin pages that can be placed in regular binders, or tubes that can store them - don’t use tape or glue. They cause discoloration and leave residues which diminish the value.
Dimes, quarters, half dollars and dollars pre-1965 have a 90% silver content and their common value is reflected by the silver spot market price at the time. Come by or give us a call and we’d be happy to quote where we are in the market at the time. Any key dates in these series would hold numismatic or collector value and that would be determined on such factors as date, mint mark, condition and rarity. Bring them by and coin experts would be happy to give a quote on what we’d offer for them.Also note that half dollars from 1965 – 1970 are 40% silver and carry a value based off the silver spot market price as well. Call or come by and we’d be happy to give you a quote.
All circulated 1976 to current issue date, (green seal), $2 bills are common and rarely command a value above face value. Red and blue seal notes are common but they may have a value slightly above face value or beyond depending on their condition and other factors. Our coin & currency experts would be happy to take a look at them and give you an evaluation.
We do buy both foreign coins and currency that are no longer circulated or redeemable. Foreign coins that have silver content will be evaluated and priced based on that content. Base metal coins and foreign currency will be evaluated and an offer made. Come by and we’d be happy to look at what you have.
Yes we do. Single earrings, broken chains, bracelets and any other gold, silver or platinum jewelry you may not know what to do with. Bring it by and we will weigh it, evaluate its gold karat and make you an offer based off the live market price.
We do buy old sterling silver & genuine silver pieces. The pieces must be stamped to indicate their silver content. We don’t buy any silver plated or unmarked items. Call us for more information or bring your items by and we’d be happy to evaluate them for you.
We are interested in all gold, silver and platinum jewelry as well as diamond, gemstone and designer pieces. We are happy to examine your items and give you an evaluation.
Sure. We are a California licensed pawnbroker and as such we are able to evaluate any of your coin, currency, jewelry and watches for the purpose of loaning you money using your items as collateral. For more information please give us a call or come by to see us.