Halloween, Trick or Treat, and Coins
| London Coin Galleries
From the perspective of children, Halloween is a collecting adventure. Think about it… all the little hobgoblins and other tiny mischief makers in the neighborhood move from house to house collecting candy and sweets galore.
During the medieval period children in Ireland and Scotland were not given sweets. For them it was coins – in exchange for a song, a dance, or a clever recitation. So, no sweets. All the same, at family get-togethers during the holiday -- known as All Saints Eve – delicious and nutritious fruitcakes would be served to the children, who would then find coins baked inside (talk about a choking hazard!)
Here at London Coin Galleries Mission Viejo we lean more to the older tradition of coins over candy. A small bag of coins will be offered to witches, warlocks, and costumed children who appear at our store on Halloween. We look forward to the fun!
-Written by Dave Baker
Reach him Dave@LondonCoinMissionViejo.com
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