13 Scary Stories Represented with Jewelry Pieces
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1.) An Eggcelent Beach Day
A woman sunbathing on a warm beach feels something on her cheek. Little did she know, a spider was crawling on her. She brushes at her face and the sensation subsides. Unfortunately, that night a large boil begins growing on her face. Fearful, she heads to the doctor who pops the wound and hundreds of baby spiders emerge.
*Story found on UrbanLegends.About.Com
2.) A Killer Hairdo
When "Bees and Wasps Nest" hair dos were all the fad, one woman went above and beyond to preserve her prided, mountainous bun of hair. Turning her hair into an actual bun without the oven, she rounded a large piece of dough and plopped it on her head, wrapping her hair around it before securing it with hairspray and pins. Over time, her scalp began to ache so much that she ripped her hairdo apart to find maggots feasting on her head!
*Story found on UrbanLegends.About.Com
3.) Gator Hater
Puppies are cute, kittens are adorable and bunnies are adorable balls of fur. But baby alligators are cute, too. Right? Well, that's what New Yorkers bathing in the Florida heat thought as they brought teeny gators back to the Big Apple for their own little ones to play with. With the alligators' rapid growth, desperate owners flushed them down the toilet. In the dark, dripping sewers a few lucky survivors gave birth to more and more gators that roam the underground streets of the city that never sleeps
*Story found on UrbanLegends.About.Com, CityMetric.com & NYPost.com
4.) Fish Outta Water
From a young age, we are taught not to pee in the pool. But, what about peeing in the rivers of the Amazon? Well, thanks to the Candiru fish, this is actually more unsanitary and much more dangerous. These small, inch-long fish can swim through the urine stream and into the urethras of swimmers and animals, alike. Yikes!
*Story found on UrbanLegends.About.Com
5.) The Mysterious "Frogman" in Loveland, Ohio
It's said that every state has it's own folktales and urban legends-- in Loveland, Ohio their tale began in May 1955 when three reptilian creatures were seen standing. In 1972, an officer spotted a large creature standing near the guard rail. When the officer approached the creature, it jumped into the river. Two weeks later, another officer spotted what he thought was a dog sprawled in the middle of the same road, as the officer went to offer help, the creature stood, revealing it's frog-like body and jumped over the guard rail into the river. This has sparked long-time rumors of lizard-like men that inhabit Ohio rivers.
*Story found on GhostVillage.com
6.) Cleo-Pearla
A long-time urban legend states that Cleopatra, in competition with Mark Antony, bet on who could hold the most expensive and extravagant dinner. Never one to lose a bet, Cleopatra finished off the exquisite dinner by taking one her giant pearls, dissolving it into a cup of vinegar and drinking it.
*Found on Hoaxes.Org
7.) We call BS
In Paderborn, Germany's (fictitious) zoo, there was a zoo keeper named Frederic Briefed fed a constipated elephant a feast of berries, figs and prunes. The recipe worked faster than the keeper had anticipated, so much so that the elephant's bodily release buried the worker before he had a chance to move out of the way.
*Story found on Snopes.com
8.) Catty Superstitions
Highly associated with Halloween, black cats have been said to be good luck, bad luck, witches' accomplices and witches, themselves.
*Story found on Cats.About.Com
9.) Scared of Sacred Scarabs?
Early Egyptians held Scarab Beetles in high regard because, to them, the beetles were associated with creation and renewal. Fascinated with the way the insects rolled bits of dung into balls reminded the Egyptians of their sun god, Ra, who they believed rolled the sun across the sky each day. The revered insects were carved into jewelry for good luck, protection and celebration.
*Story found on Leaf.tv
10.) Don't Lick Under the Bed
Lindsey woke in the middle of the night to a thudding against the wall. She was home alone and frightened until she attributed the noise to a tree branch at her window. Out of habit, she hung her arm off the bed and, as always, her dog began to lick it. Naively at ease, she drifted off to sleep. In the morning, she stumbled into her bathroom and found her dog sleeping inside with the door closed. "Silly dog locked herself in the bathroom," she thought. She tried to shoo the dog out, but the dog refused to budge. As she was crawling back into bed, she found a note. "Humans can lick, too," it read.
*Story found on UrbanLegends.About.com
11.) Bye, Bye Evil Eye
The evil eye necklace is actually meant to ward off the evil eye. Envious glances, harmful wishes and jealousy--- any negative thoughts are meant to vanish, while only good luck is to remain. The evil eye tradition is said to have originated in Turkey and Greece, where it is still a cultural belief.
*Insight found on EvilEyeJewelry.com
12.) Time for a Cocktail
Regardless of the story you've heard, the "Bloody Mary" mirror chant is a long-time urban legend. If you're not familiar with it, the gist is to stand in a dark bathroom, with one candle lit, facing the mirror and slowly repeating "Bloody Mary" to a ghost who will emerge in the mirror in a frightful scene. Sort of like a more scary Beetle Juice. Ah, superstitions.
*Various explanatory stories available on ScaryForKids.com
13.) Enriching Spirits
The Dakota is known to be one of Manhattan's most exclusive apartment complexes since it's resurrection in 1884. It's housed celebrities like John Lennon, journalist Connie Chung, U2's Bono and singer Rosemary Clooney. Residents have claimed to see a "crying lady" ghost wandering the apartment halls while others have claimed to see a smiling, 7-year-old girl greeting guests through out the building. After his tragic death, Yoko Ono claimed to see Lennon sitting at his white piano, whispering her reassurances.
*Story found on NYpost.com & BusinessInsider.com
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